In 2005, Naomi Secor began her career with SSON in New York City. As global leader of SSON, Naomi is responsible for the strategic direction and continuous growth of all SSON customer channels, including: SSON Events, SSON Digital, SSON Research and Analytics and Global Business Services Training & Certification. It is her priority to ensure that SSON lives up to its global mission statement and commitment to its customers. This is accomplished through vendor-agnostic best practice content, newest data insights, unparalleled networking and learning opportunities.
SSO/GBS have been around for 30+ years. BPO and ITO have grown to be generally accepted solution providers. Technology opportunities are plentiful and broadly utilized. Nevertheless, the GBS model itself has been constantly challenged in the last couple of years. Both internal and external changes are pushing SSO/GBS to provide more value and prove to the stakeholders that it is still the best and preferred service delivery model. Employees are challenging the SSO/GBS workplace in terms of what is provided to them in regard to agility, work-life-balance, technology tools, sustainability, personal and career development. Doomsday-sayers are appearing everywhere. Don't miss this trend forecast, highlighting data from SSON Research & Analytics.