Metric Benchmarker

Metric Benchmarker

Gain a competitive edge with the Metric Benchmarker, offering analysis across 150+ essential metrics tailored for shared services and GBS operations. This tool empowers leaders to evaluate and optimize performance, identifying areas for strategic improvement. Also segmentable for GBS specifically and the Top 20 Most Admired SSO.

Benchmark your SSO/GBS across 150+ unique metrics, including:

TOP 20 MOST ADMIRED SSO/GBS: Stack up against leading SSO/GBS in the world with data from the Top 20 Most Admired SSO/GBS globally.
METRIC INTELLIGENCE HUB™: Benchmark against your peers with industry and location-specific (country/region) datasets across Finance & Accounting, HR, Procurement, IT and Automation metrics.
SSC REPORT WIZARD: Input data and create your own personalized benchmark report.
GBS+ Benchmarks: These GBS+ metrics set themselves apart from the Metric Intelligence Hub (MIH) and the Top 20 by focusing on benchmarks that differentiate GBS’ value proposition and track its improvement on value-add.

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