GBS Service Experience: Pioneering Value in GBS
Trends & Strategies for Business Success
Join us for this insightful webinar on the evolving landscape of Service Experience within Global Business Services (GBS).
As GBS continues to play a pivotal role in organizational efficiency and effectiveness, optimizing service experience is becoming the new imperative. In this webinar, we will share the results of our research and discuss new roles GBS are introducing to drive experience forward.
We are pleased to have Deborah Kops, SSON Global Advisory Board member and change management strategist; and Isabella Kosch, GBS Service Management Expert, on our speaker panel.
The webinar will cover three critical points:
- How is Service Experience different from Customer Experience?
- What is the role Service Management plays in a GBS?
- What is the most effective way of measuring Service Experience? And why traditional metrics are not telling you the whole story
What Attendees Will Learn:
- Establishing Service Experience Capability: Learn about the prevalence of dedicated service experience roles or teams within GBS and explore their scope.
- Duration and Evolution of Service Experience Roles: Understand the timeline of implementing dedicated service experience roles within GBS, from inception to maturity.
- Motivations for Investing in Service Experience: Gain insights into the driving factors behind investing in service experience, from reducing noise to enhancing business relationships.
- Reporting Structure and Senior Leadership Involvement: Discover the organizational dynamics of service experience roles within GBS and their alignment with senior leadership.
- Team Composition and Scope: Explore the size and responsibilities of service experience teams within GBS, along with the diverse areas they cover.
- Technology Adoption in Service Experience: Assess the utilization of technology solutions for enhancing service experience in GBS operations.
- Measurement of Success: Learn about the various metrics and approaches used to measure the success of investments in service experience.
- Challenges and Opportunities: Identify common challenges faced in implementing service experience for GBS and strategies to overcome them.
In the era of heightened customer expectations and digital transformation, optimizing service experience within GBS is becoming a critical value driver. Join us and discover actionable insights to drive a positive experience in your organization.